I love stickers! I love digital stickers, and I love actual stickers. When we are traveling, I generally pick up a larger sticker along the way to remember that place and time. Some go onto my art board, and some end up on the covers of my journals. These digital Journal Girl stickers are great for those of us who use Goodnotes and other digital notebook apps! These apps make resizing and printing a snap as well.
Below, you will see the Journal Girl stickers that I currently have available. Clicking on each image will open it in a new window at full size. If you would like to bypass downloading them individually, you can sign up for full access to the Divergent Vault. The vault currently hosts over 100 free printables for your journaling needs. If you want to learn more before signing up, the vault page lists all available resources.
Journal Girl Stickers
Once you download your images, you can insert them into a Word file (or Pages or any other document builder) and resize them. For your convenience, there is a PDF file containing all the stickers on one page. The printable stickers will not show the white border if printed on white paper.
If you have any troubles or issues, feel free to let me know. I don’t know that I can help but I am always willing to try. I hope you find these useful and enjoyable! Comment below and let me know what you think!
Happy Journaling!
Sarah G