Last Updated On: Nov 23 2024

Weekly prompts to help you think a little harder, write a little longer, and have a bit of fun in your journal. I provide the prompt and then a bit of discussion afterward to help you think beyond the prompt.

How To Use Weekly Prompts

Using weekly prompts can be as simple or as difficult as you would like. I do not use one every day, and sometimes I use several from the weekly prompts list at one time. Over time, I have learned that too simple doesn’t work for me. I like to push the question around in my mind, look at it from a couple of different perspectives, and see what comes out.

Imagine, if you will, the prompt as a unique piece of artwork. Put that piece of artwork on a pedestal and then move around it. Look from side to side, high to low, and anything between. I want it to speak to me, give me thoughts, and guide my thoughts into a deeper understanding.

In all seriousness, I do study the question. I don’t spend hours on it and sometimes not even minutes. A few seconds and a few pointed questions after. Generally, those questions begin with why. Why did the prompt spark that response? Does that matter to me, and why? Why did I choose that answer/point? My meanings and questions can be vastly different from yours. That’s okay! The prompts are supposed to spark YOUR thoughts and feelings.

Focus Quote

Keeping a journal has taught me that each day holds something significant, something worth recording. My journal has reminded me again and again of the richness and abundance of my daily life, no matter how mundane or predictable some days may seem.

Kristen Webb

What is significant for you today may not mean anything to someone else. Perhaps you saw a tiny butterfly that led you down a path in your mind to another time, or possibly, it just made you smile. That event may mean a lot to you but nothing to someone else, which is perfectly fine.

When you journal, there are a lot of days when there is not much more than the ‘mundane’ of every day that is happening. I did laundry, I cleaned the cabinets, I vacuumed the floor, or I did nothing at all. That is perfectly fine as well. Every day is important. Experiencing regular days with no major significance provides your life with balance and contrast. Without the contrast, our special days would hold no significance at all.

Weekly Inspiration


Is there anything more beautiful than pages of handwriting? If you aren’t a journaler, then it’s probably not that great, but to me, it is inspiring any day of the week.

Pin By Chris Kennedy

Creative Journaling

Just as full pages of writing are inspirational, so is creative journaling with lots of writing AND the added artwork.

Pin By Helen Colebrook

Art Journaling

In art journaling, a sentence along with the imagery can speak as many words as two full pages of writing.

Pin By Rashu Joshi

The images that I choose for inspiration are not about the links. They are solely about the images and what they represent. I love seeing other people’s journals. I love the inspiration that hits me to go write in my own. Sometimes, that inspiration leads me to try something I have seen on their pages. Mostly, it just inspires me to write!

Weekly Prompts

30.01 Do you stand by your convictions?

Are there things you believe in and will stand behind no matter what? Do you allow others to sway your beliefs? Are there times when you let go of your beliefs or lay them aside quietly so as not to rock the boat? I do; I let the fear of conflict completely overpower me. I know this is a fault, and I am working on it. But the fact remains: I will stand by silently way too often.

30.02 Should cell phones be allowed in school?

There are so many ways the answer is yes, and then so many that it is no. Should they be banned from the classrooms? A phone can be used for many things, from math to research. But is the price too high when they are also used for social media and chatting in the classroom? Are they a distraction?

30.03 Have you ever stood outside with your eyes closed, facing the sun?

Try it right now: Go outside, set an alarm, and stand for a minute. Then, sit down and immediately write everything you felt physically and mentally. Describe all of the effects and how you feel afterward.

30.04 Does any particular smell instantly take you back to your childhood?

The smell of bacon takes me back to when Mom would cook breakfast in the mornings. The smell of cinnamon rolls takes me back to the kitchen, watching her roll them out on the counter, while the smell of wood burning takes me back to the campfire and watching Dad build it. So many smells are triggers, in good and bad ways, but the ones that take you back to happy times are the best.

30.05 What is your biggest fear?

Are you afraid of spiders or snakes? Maybe you are scared of the dark? Are you afraid of heights or clowns? Write down your fear, and then write down the reasons for your fear. I am afraid of the dark. I have been ever since I was a small child. The fear that goes through me is no laughing matter (even though I often joke about it). I get a throat-closing panic and am unable to breathe. Some time ago, though, I realized it’s not the dark but the unknown that terrifies me.

30.06 What old saying is your favorite?

Have your cake and eat it too? Hitch your wagon to a star? Pretty is as pretty does? You catch more flies with honey than vinegar? There are many old sayings, and I get amused when I catch myself using them. Which is your favorite, and where did you hear it? Do you even know where it came from? Was it a parent or teacher? Write down the saying and what it means to you. Then, describe where it came from, where you remember hearing it, and why it still means enough to you to use it.

30.07 Word of the week: Quiddle.

Look it up, write it down, and use it in a sentence or two. Many people quiddle; some are miserable, while others tolerate it reasonably well.

I hope these weekly prompts inspire you to think harder, dig deeper, and write a little longer this week. Looking for more prompts? Check out the Divergent Dialogues category to see more weekly prompts, 31+ Fun Journaling Prompts, or head on over to my Pinterest board!

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Happy Journaling!

Sarah G.