Last Updated On: Nov 23 2024
Weekly Prompts Featured Image

Weekly prompts to help you think a little harder, write a little longer, and have a bit of fun in your journal. I provide the prompt and then a bit of discussion afterward to help you think beyond the prompt.

How To Use Weekly Prompts

Using weekly prompts can be as simple or as difficult as you would like. I do not use one every day, and sometimes I use several from the weekly prompts list at one time. Over time, I have learned that too simple doesn’t work for me. I like to push the question around in my mind, look at it from a couple of different perspectives, and see what comes out.

Imagine, if you will, the prompt as a unique piece of artwork. Put that piece of artwork on a pedestal and then move around it. Look from side to side, high to low, and anything between. I want it to speak to me, give me thoughts, and guide my thoughts into a deeper understanding.

In all seriousness, I do study the question. I don’t spend hours on it and sometimes not even minutes. A few seconds and a few pointed questions after. Generally, those questions begin with why. Why did the prompt spark that response? Does that matter to me, and why? Why did I choose that answer/point? My meanings and questions can be vastly different from yours. That’s okay! The prompts are supposed to spark YOUR thoughts and feelings.

Weekly Prompts

#1. What is your ideal place to journal? 

My journaling location is basically the same no matter where we are, in our house, in the cabin, in the motel.. I get up and come to the desk. But that’s not the IDEAL place. My ideal place is on a rocky shore in Washington. Where is yours? Write it out in detail. The scene, the feeling, the temperature. Explore that perfect spot!

#2. Where is the last place you wrote in your journal other than home?

For me, it was a motel in central Oklahoma at the end of a five-day trip from California to southeastern Oklahoma. But where was yours? Why were you there? Was it comfortable and cozy? Would you like to go back?

#3. What current hobby do you have aside from journaling? 

My art is my biggest hobby. Watercolor, acrylic, graphic design, and website design, I consider it all art. What’s yours? Do you get to do it often? Is it fulfilling or just for fun? Is this hobby that came to mind your favorite or just the most prominent one in your mind? 

#4. If skill were not an issue, what hobby would you love to take up? 

We make many decisions based on skill and what we can and can not do. But if that weren’t an issue, and you could do anything you wanted. What hobby would you love to have? Is there a way that you could develop the skill? Why not?

#5. What is your go-to drink when you journal? 

Do you have a particular one, or is anything okay? I always have my morning coffee when I journal. Unless I am journaling away from the house, and then it’s whatever happens to be handy. What about you? Is there any particular drink that makes journaling time feel more special?

#6. What is a food that you would love to try? 

It can be anything. Maybe you’ve always wanted to try Thai but are scared of the spice. Perhaps it’s a cannoli that has always tempted you. Think about that food, pinpoint it, and then write down why you haven’t tried it. If fear is your answer, go try the food! My daughter has taught me so much about trying foods. 

#7. What is one random act of kindness that you could easily do this week? 

Big or small, just one act of kindness. Perhaps the homeless man you see every week could use a hot coffee or cocoa? Maybe your boss or coworker needs a sincere compliment. Compliments are a crazy underutilized act of kindness. Stopping someone in the store or on the sidewalk to compliment their hair, clothes, etc results in the most amazing radiance in those people. Today, write about what you could do and why that one appeals to you. What do you think it will do for you to show this kindness?.

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Happy Journaling!

Sarah G.