Weekly prompts to get you through the week. Each prompt is followed by dialogue to help get your thoughts flowing and onto the paper.

I adore monkeys! I adore journal monkey stickers even more! Not sure why they always make me smile, but they do. So here I have combined some of my favorites, journaling, cofee, winter and monkeys. These digital stickers can be used in Goodnotes or any other notebook app that accepts pngs! Below, you will see […]

I love stickers! I love digital stickers, and I love actual stickers. When we are traveling, I generally pick up a larger sticker along the way to remember that place and time. Some go onto my art board, and some end up on the covers of my journals. These digital Journal Girl stickers are great […]

Weekly prompts to get you through the week. Each prompt is followed by dialogue to help get your thoughts flowing and onto the paper.

“Typically, Morning Pages are quite fragmented, giving the impression of ADD. Paradoxically, the fragmented pages yield coherent thought to those who do suffer from ADD.” – Julia Cameron Morning pages = fragmented pages! Yes, yes mine do look exactly like that haha! Today is day 1400. I find myself reflecting on the impact that this […]

Weekly prompts to get you through the week. Each prompt is followed by dialogue to help get your thoughts flowing and onto the paper.

I have a love affair with bookmarks in all sizes and shapes, paper or metal; I just love bookmarks. Making free printable bookmarks allows me to save a bundle and keep this love affair moving right along! Bookmarks serve as convenient tools for marking your place. They allow you easy access to any section in […]

Journaling is an incredible tool for anyone to use. It can help you manage your emotions, thoughts and desires, mental health, and so much more. A journal can also be a creative outlet, enabling you to build and expand your creative abilities. Below, you will find a list of ways to use your journal. Project […]

A divergent journaler refers to someone who embraces a diverse approach to journaling and encompasses a wide range of ideas, thoughts, methods, and experiences within one book. To become divergent, you must let go of rules and free yourself from the constraints of what others do. Let’s look at some of the things you can […]

These fun journaling prompts are meant to inspire self-discovery and reflection while adding an element of enjoyment to your journaling practice. Remember, your journal page is your own. The key is having fun and enjoying your time with the page. Click here to skip past the images and see only a text list. Using prompts […]

Broadly, divergent journaling is a process that allows for incorporating various journaling methods in a single location. I am a mom, wife, and artist. But I also wear many other hats; this is part of being human. I am a daughter, a sister, a grandma, a chef, a laundress, a maid, a fashion consultant, a […]